Hey, all you [college] students, I have a request!

Half Evil

Golden Master
Well, this is aimed at quantum technologies. This article

Is my science report for the week. To tell you the truth, it really confuses me. So if someone would please take the time to read that, and read mine

This article is stating that, black holes and quantum technology go hand in hand. It says that someday black holes can be used as “incredibly accurate quantum computers”. Initially, it was thought that this “Hawking radiation” was too random to carry any information, but that idea conflicted with the quantum mechanics law. This law states that quantum information can never be lost. Although, in 2004, Steven Hawking changed his mind about this law; in the conceded a bet where he admitted that black holes do not destroy information.
But Seth Lloyd of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US has and used a controversial quantum model called Final-State projection to try and solve the paradox. This model is able to hold under certain extreme conditions such as the intense gravitational field of a black hole.
In black holes, Hawking radiation arises just inside the event horizon and has two components – one that leaves the black hole and another that falls towards the point-like singularity that is the black hole itself.
The way that this quantum technology would work is like this: when matter that has been sucked into the black hole interacts with the Hawking radiation, the interaction instantaneously produces a change in the Hawking radiation that has escaped the black hole. Because the final-state projection model forces this interaction to behave in only one way, this radiation therefore carries information about material inside the black hole.
But for anything like this to work, you would need to collect every little piece of Hawking radiation. That is implausible. But understanding how to decode the Hawking radiation will take researchers to intertwine quantum physics and general relativity into one single, ultra theory.

And tell me how I did. All I needed to do is make a summary of what I read in the arical. But the thing is that, this was confusing to me. So im not sure if I did a good summary or not.

Im getting my parents help me, but they arnt too up to date with technology. But meh.. So please just help!

Thank you for helping :)
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