good site to get music?

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hey guys,
I was just wondering what websites you usually get your music from. I don't care if its a program or torrent or even just a website. Just looking for the best thing to replace lime wire with since it got shut down.
sigh, this isn't something you're supposed to ask about here, especially in the social section. However widespread, downloading and torrenting music is illegal and punishable by being disconnected and formally cautioned, even fined depending on severity. I'm surprised at a member with such a reputation.

Torrenting = Depriving artists of their due payment. Download rap and R&B all you want though, the quicker that dies out the better.
First off i have not been on this forum in over two years. The social lounge seemed like the best place to ask this as it was a general question about people's opinion for obtaining music. I did not ask for your opinion on downloading music, nor did i ask for your opinion on music preference. If you must no i have a huge amount of cassettes and records that my dad has given to me and id like to download them in high quality to listen to on my iphone. so instead of blurting out your opinions that do absolutely nothing to aid me please remain silent. so if any one knows a great program or torrent site i can download music from this would be great.
First off i have not been on this forum in over two years. The social lounge seemed like the best place to ask this as it was a general question about people's opinion for obtaining music. I did not ask for your opinion on downloading music, nor did i ask for your opinion on music preference. If you must no i have a huge amount of cassettes and records that my dad has given to me and id like to download them in high quality to listen to on my iphone. so instead of blurting out your opinions that do absolutely nothing to aid me please remain silent. so if any one knows a great program or torrent site i can download music from this would be great.

And I quote:

THE RULES :@ said:
(A) Do not ask for or offer activation codes for software. Also asking for or offering instructions for breaking in to web sites, e-mail, message services, or software is against forum policy. (B) Asking for links to Bit Torrents, example where to get recent episodes of television shows etc. Your account can be disabled at the moderator's discretion for violating this policy.

This isn't the forum to ask this question on. Just use Google.
Against the rules so thread closed.

Red_move has been banned for 7days for answering this question and providing links.

You're getting banned too esa, sorry, rules is rules.
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