Good/Bad Airline/Airport/Flying Experiences


Golden Master
Not as much conversation going on here lately so I thought this might make a good thread topic... anyone have some really bad experiences with a certain airline?
Not sure what airline it was, but when my parents were coming back from vacation one time, there was like a crack in the ceiling above them, and it was raining, so they got soaked. All the airline really did was apologize.
Not sure what airline it was, but when my parents were coming back from vacation one time, there was like a crack in the ceiling above them, and it was raining, so they got soaked. All the airline really did was apologize.

I'm calling bs on that because the plane couldn't pressurize if it was cracked, and the plane would be grounded.
maybe it was the ceiling in the airport...If it was a large commercial airliner she would be dead...unless it was like a cropduster lol
Not sure what airline it was, but when my parents were coming back from vacation one time, there was like a crack in the ceiling above them, and it was raining, so they got soaked. All the airline really did was apologize.

It could just be the air conditioner. If there was a crack in the plane, it wouldn't be able to take off.
Not sure what airline it was, but when my parents were coming back from vacation one time, there was like a crack in the ceiling above them, and it was raining, so they got soaked. All the airline really did was apologize.

It wasn't leading from the rain.

Air conditioner or condensation, maybe.

And things I don't like about planes airports.

-Guns being pointed at me.
-Random thorough searches multiple times in the same day.
-The time the cockpit opened itself.
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