eBay Item Status: Won


Daemon Poster

It cost me 30 dollars but I wanted this thing! lol, I'm glad I got it.

Double sided, 27"40". High quality and brand new.

Getting this thing framed!
can't wait for teh movie... about a month and a half and i can see it without parents :)

lol movie theaters round here are getting smart. i got carded trying to get into 300.
lol last time i went to the movies i saw dead silence with my girlfriend and some friends. and we get to the ticket guy and starts looking at my friends liscense and couldn't subtract 2007 from 1990. he was like "uhh your 17? okay go in, no wait, oh yeah."

i lofled because he didn't even check my girlfriend's card and shes only 16.
Last time we got questioned was by this dick guy that takes your tickets after you buy them, which they can't do. He asks my friend ahead who doesnt look 17 at all if hes 17 and he says yeah I'm with my brother and I was at the back of the line so he got me to the front and hes like, are you 17? and I'm like yeah. Then he goes wait whens your birthday and I just say 1990 cause I didn't feel like thinking of one and he goes oh alright, then passes us and then goes "Wait! you're not 17!"

Once you get to the ticket guy and they refuse you, you can just sue them for selling the ticket to you so they're screwing themselves over, just threaten them it's worked for me haha.
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