Calling all Droid Incredible users -- question about repeat notifications


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I've got a Droid Incredible, updated to 2.2 (or whatever the newest version is). The problem I'm having (and it's not really a problem as much as it is annoying) is that if I get an email/text/voicemail/missed call it will notify me every 5 minutes (or so, never really timed it) unless I check my phone.

I want to turn this off but can not figure out where to do so. I'm using the built in email client (I have 2 accounts setup). I don't want to have to check my phone to make the notifications stop. Most of the time I'm at my work computer and check my emails there so I don't want to have to get my phone out and check them on there too just to make it stop notifying me.

(I've been notified twice about an email as I was typing this message....LOL)
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