What the hell?

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I was wondering the same thing...and im sure this one will get closed too
It lets them talk without giving us the ability to say anything back at them. It's like being critisised without the ability to say anything back, nor the ability to defend yourself if they make the wrong assumption.
Thank you, I make a comment then they lock it, and then they want to say all this crap so we cant fight back. This will be locked in the near future so say what you have to now! :)
I seriously don't see the point in posting in a closed thread, espcially when posting about rules, and then not allow peopel to comment on them.

Here's a suggestion for the site, seeing as how this is what that area is about!

Don't close threads, post in them, and not allow peopel topost back at what you say.

Just a though...;)
I love the way you guys have it out for every single one of us. For the record, regarding my post, I posted my message under the impression the thread was still open, and I was unaware that David had locked it.

In which case if any of you guys have anything to say regarding my comment then I will happily take it up with you in PM.

In a way I can see where you guys are coming from, but seriously, just because someone has "moderator" under their name does not mean we're all the same.

EDIT - And NO, I was NOT the person who locked this.
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