Upgrade to Invision


Golden Master
Will there be a chance of changing the forum tobe powered by Invision board? That'd be sweet
Could be that VB is working just fine. If it's just a matter of getting modifications installed let David and silentscope ask Buzz. He knows his s**t when it comes to this stuff.
Oh P.S. He ain't gonna do it for free...
vBulletin is good, but I don't like how it costs so much, and since Invision is FREE it's the way I go.
Do you buy vBulletin, or rent it? Because there is no use gettin a free Invasion thing, when he already owns vBulletin..
Invision isn't free. The only free version is 1.3. VB can be rented or bought.[I think, feel free to correct me]
NO WAY!!! If theres an upgrade, i want it to be to the latest version of VB.

VB is great. I love it!!!
1) David already has a lifetime licence i think for vb
2) VB Is better in my opinion
3) Everyone else likes it
4) Invision is not free.


p.s Mr F. You can either buy a lifetime, or rent it for a year
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