I have a question.

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Signature Standards
Signatures may be used by established members who have reached 25 posts. Signatures must be setup in your profile rather than manually added to your messages. They will appear at the bottom of every post you make.
Signatures must be kept to a maximum of 5 lines (including blank lines) and 2 non-commercial links.
Signatures may not include email addresses, phone numbers, links to competing websites, prompts to contact or a sales pitch.
Signatures must follow our forums posting standards.

They should not have links to competing websites.
I'm showing off my car on my signature, but it is not up for sale purposes.

This is a good example of following the rules, I guess.

However, if someone offers me a good amount, things are different.
As outlined in the rules, since it is not a competing site, there's (currently) no issue with this.
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