Server opinions/options and help for big project!


Beta member
My site is almost done, and I am almost ready to buy another server before I publish everything. I have all the data(mysql) on a smaller 2003 Dell Duo 200mhz server, but the site I have built has a lot of video, and I would like a completely separate server to handle it all. Right now I only have 500mb of videos (about 15 different ones) that will be requested by about 50,000 client machines. But, within 3 months it should have a few gigs of many different streamable videos with hopes of reaching 250k hits/month.

Users of my site will need to upload 10kb-100mb+ of videos that will be encoded into .flv format, but I am thinking of going DivX .avi or something with better quality. They need to be able to upload quickly with minimal wait.

Also, I am in the Austin-Houston TX area. What do I need to do to get a internet provider that will also be able to handle the upload/download traffic without problems?

I need a very capable server. I am running Ubuntu Linux (server).

I am looking for any helpful info at all! Better OS, e-books, security issues, server recommendations... ANY help, insight, documentation or links you can provide.

Thanks guys!

EDIT: if it helps at all, I am using php/mysql, HTML, XML, some PERL and have a FLEX application so far.
Id go for Debian Linux, as thats very applicable and stable. Try Webmin for administation, and it will allow you to cluster servers together. On the install program, check 'Webserver', 'Desktop Environment' and 'Standard System' so you get a GUI and Apache, and then install MySQL and php from there.

For programming languages, look at w3schools.
cluster or loadbalance? If you dont have a SAN its not a cluster.

We are not talking HPC here

Ubuntu = debian core
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