php registered user only help


Beta member
So i am trying to use this

echo '<h1>Hello, '.$_SESSION['usr'].'! You are registered and logged in!</h1>';
else echo '<h1>Please, <a href="demo.php">login</a> and come back later!</h1>';
echo 'Should i find a new login'
to make

:confused:Hi do any of you know a script for a horizontal drop down menu for java not java script.

Big Thanks
Please dont ask a question in a thread that has a completely unconnected question in it. make your own thread after searching the web.
for the OP.

investigate the possibilities of using ob_start(); and session_start(); at the top of your script.
this will enable you to put some session information into the headers to keep sessions on the browser, if you've already sent any content to the browser then you can't edit the headers later.

PHP manual pages have quite a few examples on using these functions.

if isset(!$_SESSION['id'])
{echo 'not logged in';}
echo 'logged in and registered';
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