Is There A Dedicated Word Processor?


Beta member
Hi. I'm new here, and I don't even know if I'm putting this in the right category. What I'd like is some help finding a word processor that will suit my (somewhat retro) needs. You see, I am not particularly bad at computers. I'm probably average. But I have both ADHD and a strong urge to become a novelist. Now, as anyone who knows anything about ADHD knows, it's very hard to focus on one thing for very long. At least, this is the case for me. When I sit down at a laptop, I can only write for a few moments, before I start wanting to mess around on the internet (and, yes, that's what I'm doing now), or play a game, or any one of the thousands of things you can do on your average computer. So, what I'm looking for is something that types but only types. I'd like it to have spell check, dictionary, some way to save, and some way to get the stuff I'm writing printed, but that's all. It should be portable as well. Is there such a thing? I know I could write by hand, but I get my thoughts much clearer while typing, and I don't know anything about typewriters. Is this just a crazy request? I appreciate any and all help. Thank you so much.
The BEST word processor is Microsoft word. It has everything you want. I think its also the most widely used word processor.
He means something you can use that doesn't have any programs of needs to access such as IE

So like a portable keyword processor? I think.. I can't think but google surely helps this place
I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. I mean I want a machine dedicated to writing or note taking. I don't mean a particular software program to use on the computer I already have. My problem is that I can't focus without wanting to check out what going on on, say, the internet, or without fiddling with this program or that. I have a hard enough time tuning out distractions in the world around me, so I was hoping to have a machine which minimizes what I can do on that any more understandable? I know it's probably an odd request. I need something that is only for writing (if there is such a thing). I have googled, but have not come up with much, which is why I came here....hoping to find someone who might know what I mean.
oh sorry. I dont know of one, if there is i would also be interested in using it because i get easily distracted aswel
Take a trip down to your local office supply store, and see if they have any electronic typewriters (as they're called now). Brother is the standard these days I believe, models like this one: Brother SX-4000 Electronic Typewriter: Electronics

Obviously, if you want, Amazon is a good place to get them too ;)

Hey, now we're talking...that's a little more along the lines of what I was thinking. I hoping they'd have something a little more portable...but at least we're in the right direction. Thanks!

Thank you! Now that's very much what I was thinking....anyone know anything about these things? (Alphasmart 3000/Neo?) It seems to be what I'd like...but the screen is so small...if anyone knows anything about this, please let me know. Thanks very much!
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