need help finding computer


Baseband Member
i need help finding specific hardware for developing games for my zipit z2 (if you don't know what that is it is a 30 dollar computer about the size of a thick wallet)
the specs needed are:
approximately 300 MHz CPU
32 MB ram

so obviously it is going to be a rather old computer.
one more question, is it possible to setup a virtual environment to the specs listed on a better computer?
Sorry, in my wildest dreams, I cannot imagine gaming on that thing.

Why not just get a PSP, or something similar?
Why do the specs need to be so low for game development? Wouldn't;t you be able to develop games on a modern rig?

Anyway, you shouldn't have a problem creating a virtual environment using those specs. The only thing you might have a problem with is creating a virtual 300MHz CPU as virtual machines use the speed of the host CPU.
Oops, sorry, thought you said gaming, not developing games.

That's what I get for reading too quickly.

Like OhSnap says, why not use your computer, or inexpensive laptop.
i need the specs so low because the z2 has those specs
i want the game to run at full speed on the z2
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