hard drive problem

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Golden Master
I was just at my coworkers house today doing a couple of hardware upgrades (RAM and DVD RW drive). I also want to do a scandisk and a defrag, but that's where something strange started to happen. I would run scandisk and it would appear to be doing fine with the bar moving up, then all of a sudden, it goes back to the very beginning (right when it was scanning the allocation table). Same thing with the disk defrag. It got up to 2%, then back down to 0%, never finishing it. Weird. What do you think is the problem without reformatting? The OS was Windows ME.

On a sidenote, ComputerForums is starting to have a lot of "Fatal Error" problems recently everytime I would make a post. Strange.
Ah, dual thread. I'll close this one. No one replied in it :)

Sooo...*thread closed*
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