Plz Plz Help!!

pcmxkeith said:
Once again read, Don't be making new accounts to try to endorse your self. "computer techy" if i'm not mistaken this seems like you made a new account in the effort to help your other username "computer techy"
your funny lol, this is actually my first and only account i made, i didnt even know about these forums till like last week or so, and i dont get how me making this account, would help my other supposed username, and i dont know why you would accuse me of such. You say im supposedly endorsing myself, or this product from trend micro? now, why would i do that? are you accusing me of being from trend micro? what would a big buisness like them be doing on a little forum site like this? to endorse themselves? buddy, their a big buisness i dont think they would waste their time here on these forums. Im sorry but i am not this "computer techy" you speak of, though im quite flattered to be called such :D lol assuming "compter techy" is in actuallity a professional comp tech. So why again do you think im "computer techy"?
pcmxkeith said:
Wow, your so scenceless! Never said your with Trendmicro or anyof that... Think before you speak.
Then be a little more specific, wtf do you mean by endorse myself? you think im this "computer techy" guy, that thats another accont of mine? I was just trying to look at all the possibilitys of why you would accuse me of endorsing myself. So please elaborate.
kk, thanks everyone for all your help. I really do appreciate it a lot. By computer is now fine, and it's all down to you guys, Thanks a lot! :)
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