
David Lindon said:
You learn something new everyday!
"Including the ability to become invisible and go into a girls' changing room! Which I think would be rather interesting!"
Rather good!

Lol! Yeah - both very good ;) and bloody scary :mad: from some of the girls at my school!

But lets not talk about that! :D :D :D
You shouldn't be laughing - you're an innocent youth! You should be thinking 'Euw, girls! Icky Icky Icky; what could they be talking about'!
DevilHack said:
OMG F*ck you man!
Calm down everyone!
"You should be thinking 'Euw, girls! Icky Icky Icky; what could they be talking about'!"
Don't avoid girls, get in there man!
I see it as: You should wait til' you find the one that you love. But before then have sex, go to parties, have fun!
Yeah - my opinion too! I was just joking about the euw girls thing! Although Omnipotence would be very very interesting! And an arwful lot of fun!
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