Looking for cheap, but working parts!

i have an old 60gb wd ide hd....it has xp on it but uh....it will take it awhile considering it wont load from some nasty virus....i wouldnt clear it myself as im scared of it.
I don't know, I haven't looked into cases yet, and I don't want to buy yours and then find a case with one included. And you want $20, I don't know if I can do that, and I wouldn't want to cheat you out of your money. Comptuergen what about that HDD?
I've just been buying a little at a time. Sent $4 to buzz for a mobo with a processor, the $4 was just enough for shipping. Just today sent out $17 for a mobo, ram, and processor. Really in need of a HDD, Case, CD drive, and a psu. Anyways back to your answer, I can't really spend that much more for the rest of this stuff. I hate buying things because you have to add in shipping which is usually a bit so..
Just bumping at the end of the night. Towly all that is to you^^ for the most part..

Other than that I still need HDD, CASE, CD DRIVE, PSU
I could sell you an older case(less noise :D),20 gb 5400 RPM HDD, and a 150/ or 230(not sure) Watt PSU, and if you want to pay like 50 bucks for all of it(not sure about shipping- I would have to weigh it) i'll throw in an extra 600/128 cache mhz intel processor or 550/512 cache(slot) intel.

PM me if interested or email me at linuxman16@gmail.com.
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