My Dos Tutorial


Baseband Member
Jason's Simple, Lame, VERY BASIC, Windows (The commands work in DOS OS as well, however the Windows parts of the tutorial don't.) MS-DOS Tutorial for NOOBS (Didn't mean to belittle you there, just had to... Sorry.)

Version 1. This is the one and only, folks. I won't edit it, and I won't F with it. I'm wasting valuable Xbox Live time writing this. I just want to get this over with and get on with my life.

This work copyright November 27, 2005 by Jason Smith. You can print it, post it online, or make sweet sweet love to your significant other while reading it, but your ass is MINE if you claim credit for it, use it to make money, or edit it in any way.

About commands- Commands tell DOS to do certain things. The syntax a command is typed in will determine what it does. As an example, the DIR command views files in a directory, but if you add /p to it, it displays all files in a directory and outputs them in page format (explained below)


The command that will never F up your computer, DIR.

Okay, let's get started with some simple viewing commands.
We'll only use the most useful DIR variation here, /p. there are others, but I never found use in them. (/w, /a, /o, /s, /b, /l, /v)

The view command in MS-DOS is --> dir
Just remember DIRectory and you'll be ok.

Next, to view the contents of a DIRectory in page format just type--> dir/p
Just remember DIRectory SLASH Page.
This command is useful when you are searching a large directory for something and the contents don't fit in your DOS window.

Okay, let's test what we've learned. Open the command prompt by going to Start, Run, and then typing--> command

This will open the MS-DOS prompt. Once it's open type the DIR command. Next, if the contents of the folder you're in go insane and start scrolling rapidly, type DIR/P. Now, you just explore the contents and push enter when you want to scroll down. To get out of DOS, type---> exit


By now, I'll bet you're thinking to yourself "What good is this crap? All I can do is view the same crap in the same folder. This SUCKS!" Well, shut up. You're not saying anything? Shut up in your mind. Damn right I can hear you. Just wait. I'll get to it in a minute.


Another thing that won't F up your computer, changing folders!!! YAY! (CLAP, DAMN YOU!)

To change folders, type---> cd

Now, I bet you're wondering "...How in the blue HELL do I use this? Is this crazy bastard just going to leave me here??" No, he won't. Keep reading and the truth shall set you free.


Let's try this. Go back into DOS, and type this.--> cd c:\

OOH! OOH! It went to c:\!!! PITTY! Wait, what the DE DE DER is c:\? C:\ is the drive name of your hard drive in any Windows or DOS operating system created by Microsoft up until now.

Have fun with that.


The part that you could F up your computer with if you do something RETARDED. NOT MY FAULT!
To clear the contents of a DOS screen so you can see better, type cls.

ex---> cls
To open an executable file, go into the directory it's in, and type the file's name.exe

ex---> suckomatic.exe
To delete a file, while in the folder it's in, type the DEL command, and then type the name with extension.
(In example it's txt.)

ex---> del ohcrap.txt
To delete all files in a folder, type del *.* while in the folder you want to empty.

ex---> del *.*
To copy a file, type copy, type the file in question's name, and finally type where you want it to be output to.

ex---> copy reproduction.txt c:\mnkynut
To make directories, go into the directory you want said directory to be in, and type md, and then the name you want for the directory.

ex---> md yourmom
To remove empty directories, type rd, and directory's name.

ex--> rd yourmom
To open a file such as a .txt, .ini, or .bat with MS-DOS's packaged text editor, type edit, and then the filename.

ex---> edit poo.txt
To open other filetypes (or use a different program), type program's name, and then the filename.

ex---> notepad system.ini
To rename files, type ren, filename, and intended filename.

ex---> ren sucko.txt suckon.txt
To move a file, type move, filename, and file's path.

ex---> move ass.txt c:\bdyprts
To delete a folder, along with ALL of its contents (other directories, files, puppies, etc.) type deltree.

ex---> deltree c:\nolife
Finally, I will show you a destructive command that should only be used if you really mean to use it. Don't try to use this one for practice. It will obliterate the drive you use it on.

Okay, the format command formats the drive it is used on. By format, I mean delete everything.

ex---> format a:\
This would format a floppy disk. Quite useful.


ex---> format c:\
This would erase all contents of your computer's hard drive. Seldom useful. If you want to reinstall your OS and delete all of your files, this does just that.


Well, I've told you all you need to get started. Enjoy.
Sorry, it's slightly profane, but I'm not going to edit it. Read my disclaimer. I made it for a slightly dumb friend. Now people can't ask how to format HDs, or do other stuff.
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