Mouse COM Registers


Beta member
I have windows 3.1 on DOS 7.10 and recently had run an experiment on redirection with ECHO.In the AUTOEXEC.BAT I had extended the echo of CTMOUSE.EXE to LOCKDRV.BAT by taking teh echo. from that batch file and redirecting it through RTM.EXE or some other program--I cant remember--but anyways when i boto CTMOUSE recognizes the com and port an IRQ but does not respond.
Now Iw as thinking Debuug would be the safest method of resetting the registers of COM1 or COM2 - I would like to install Windows 3.111 or WIn 95 but cannot w/o mouse support-setup does not recognize teh ports in its protected mode GUI interface - probably because of teh CPU built in VCPI to which discredits EMM386 NOVCPI-the CPU has built in VCPI to its BIOS and cannot be controlled.
How is it possible to do a simple disassembly of the port and then reset the originatign values.I am a novice at debug and have experiemtned int eh past but have no real general knowledge on resetting the ports as the bit settings is what I dont have-as aI dont have a DOS 710 manual.

Somebody please respond to this.....................
I am far to young to know how to help you.
This must be a joke right?

No-no joke. I actually used reverse redirection of the nul output of Lockdrv.bat from ctmouse nul echo and then that through RTM.EXE by rdeirection-and had somehpow laocked the port.
I reinstalled DOS and it semed to work but the CPU has its limited vcpi interface v86 mode - and I even used ebug to clear the register and redo the bit setting to which is currently at 00-i think it needs to be one.DEBUG will not charnge the register for me.
Wow! A system that old still working. Those are hard to find. Congrats for having a working one. :)
I wouldnt mind having somthing like that to play with someday.
Wow! A system that old still working. Those are hard to find. Congrats for having a working one. :)
I wouldnt mind having somthing like that to play with someday.

Well-It was given to me.Pentium II 810 with UART-3/14 and usb hub but however is one to which has the transcendential error in the 80387.

The fact is that it does not work well anymore-at one time it would not even recognize my HD as an int 13 drive---and now I dont even acknowledge the Quantum Disk COntrolelr becasue the software from the manufacture is faulty in that its installation is not undertkaen to the format of the documentation-is a fraud.

---------- Post added at 08:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 AM ----------

Actually I also had the mouse driver working last night and reinstalled windows but when I shut it off last nite and turned it back on it didnt.So it must be the VCPI . So debug will not allow such altercation w/o changing the IOCTL or whatever-the priority interrrupts.
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