Random Chit Chat

nothing. No offence :)
It's just this gotta be at least the 8'th avatar sense you started.
i have had 2. beside the Christmas special.
Well i guess people have different tastes to food. I guess i can't complain since i don't like a lot of foods like clams, asparagus, to name a couple. :)
Taste in food?

OMG, my family struggle with me in this department. I mean in this regard. Or is it "this matter"? :facepalm:

My parents literally yell at me for it. Even in this age and time :cool:

I always have my food plain. No side dishes, no salads, no mixing, no sauces (except for garlic sauce)... I feel sorry for my self.

I can't even eat tomatoes :eek:

Oh yeah, I became a demon :D
(my title)
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