Anyone Got Spare Server / Webhost?


Solid State Member
Hi All,

Interested in hosting my own site, to learn about basics etc and develop my knowledge.

Anyone have a spare server or site they dont mind me using and trying to host, I can use a VPN to keep it up and am open to learn loads of new skills.

Post here on Message me,


if you're just learning then why not just install apache/php/mysql on your own computer...

Then when you've got something that you actually want to show the world then you can look for hosting.

There are a bunch of free hosting providers, (easier to find free hosting for static sites than anything else) but these usually come with adverts that the server owner sticks onto your site that you don't control.

Most "ordinary" people with a web server will not give up space for nothing? and why would they? if you host something illegal they would be the one who ended up talking to the police etc or being up in court.
If you just want to learn the website aspect of it, I'd just sign up for a free host (like 000webhost). They don't offer as many features as paid hosts, but it'll be fine for learning the basics.
If your more wanting to learn about actual server administration (like how to use a Linux based server), then you could download something like Ubuntu Server and install it on an old computer or on a virtual machine.
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