The Meta Camel

The Meta Camel

Solid State Member
United States of America
Hi, The Meta Camel here. Just thought I would ensconse myself inside this community like a fat man addicted to pretzels. I am quite proud of the fact that I have had slackware for 5+ years, and still have no idea what I am doing. Any old fool can learn the system, they say, but it takes a special class of idiot to...uh, not learn it, I guess. I don't know, maybe they're not talking about computers?

Oh, and I like math and reading. And board games.

And porn. Uh... boobs.

(Acht! Ich meit fehrgetted! Fur teimen tehmpe, Ich spaege ender ein fahltzlahne dass sehrke deutsche. Nist meit du fiehre, so! :D)
Welcome dude, you seem like a guy with a sense of humour! You should fit in well here!
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