How Much Do You Hear About Bullying In The News?

ive always been bullied. All through middle school and highschool. Ive considered killing myself many times. Even tried. But i do know in the back of my mind. Ill be the one laughing in the future. Bullying isnt just online. Thats the problem. It's also in the community. What kids need to understand is that, if you do this in the real world. You won't even last a day. There are people a lot tougher and stronger than they are.
Too much is my quick answer and I include sexual harassment in that category...

The problem with society these days is lack of discipline.... Bring back corporal punishment and put the fear of life into them...

Exactly kids are getting away things like a lot...

Sure have, really sad but then again bullying has been around a long time...even in my days there was bullying but a good punch up usually sorted it out..

Being in a school system, I never hear the end of it. Most of the stuff that parents bring up as "bullying" nowadays was considered part of growing up when I was a kid (and I'm only 26). If we told our parents we were getting "picked on" -as we called it- then they said "toughen up and deal with it". We either lived with it or we threw some punches (I'm a guy) and got on with our lives...

I don't understand the amount of kids killing themselves over being bullied in present times...The media attention and sympathy seems to fuel more teenagers to kill themselves...

+1 ^^^^ to all...

My daughter teaches 11th and 12 grade English, and has many times thought of starting a new career. The stories she tells me are enough to make a sane person sick! Rarely does doing the "right" thing play a role in decision making, most decisions are made based on what is "politically correct."

Schools need to be autocratic, the Principle needs to be "the boss", it should not be a democracy. These are kids, not adults. Until we return to traditional conservative methods of raising children, and demanding respect, and discipline, nothing will change. Bullying has always, and will always, be a part of life. However, with proper social, as well as family values, children will be much better equipped to deal with it.
I don't understand the amount of kids killing themselves over being bullied in present times. I'm 23 and when I went to school, I was bullied endlessly from elementary school to high school because I stood out in several ways.

The media attention and sympathy seems to fuel more teenagers to kill themselves. Many teenagers want lots of attention and sympathy for their hardships. Killing themselves may seem to be the best route to get what they're looking for. They just don't seem to think about the fact that their parents and friends are being hurt as well as the fact that later in life, bullies don't matter!

Back a few years ago I had one kid in particular actually reach out to me on FB and apologize for bullying me. I had never given it a second thought since graduation, but he sent me a message saying he was just trying to be a cool kid and now realized how stupid it was to bully me. I of course thanked him and said it was no biggie. Even in high school I think I had more sense than to let the words of kids I didn't even admire, mouthing off to me about my weight, height, geekiness, or anything above.

Now that I'm out of high school, I run a successful business and have a brand new car. I have a fiance' and a wonderful home and we're getting married next year. I'd say it's worth it to stick it out because you never know how life could improve with some hard work, patience, and determination. :)

It's nice to hear :)

You know that when I was reading your post I immediately thought that what you described was exactly like in the movies (and of course real life). What I mean is, there are so many movies letting us know that it is okay to be unpopular in high school, because when we grow up... the kids that were popular won't be so popular anymore, and the kids that weren't popular turn out to be successful :)
However, it is also important to have good memories from where we were kids, that is what, sometimes, keeps us alive.. wanting to feel those things again.
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