Desktop Users: Windows 8 SP1: What We Hope To See


In Runtime
A good article for you desktop users:

User Interface

Let's face it. The Windows 8 user interface is a complete disaster. I realize that some of you – my tech-savvy colleagues, included – are perfectly willing to write off Microsoft' inclusion of Metro/the “Modern UI”/the “new Windows user interface”/whatever the heck Microsoft's calling it nowadays. I respect that opinion as a tech-savvy individual myself. But even though Metro is just a big, out of control search tool that you can theoretically ignore if you just want that classic Windows 7 look and feel, it's just not good enough.

It's not good enough because average people – and don't take my word for it, consider the surveys – are being overly confused by Microsoft's decision to slap a tablet (or smartphone) OS onto Windows 8 for desktops and laptops. So much so, that they can't even perform normal tasks on their desktops.

Windows 8 SP1: What We Hope To See | Maximum PC
I don't understand what all the fuss is about?

I love Windows 8, it's the best operating system Microsoft has ever devised.

If you don't like it, you should buy a Mac.
I don't understand what all the fuss is about?

I love Windows 8, it's the best operating system Microsoft has ever devised.

If you don't like it, you should buy a Mac.


If you don't like it, stick with Windows 7. That's what I keep trying to tell everyone - 7=desktop - 8=tablet. It doesn't have to be that hard.

I wasn't a part of it, but didn't everyone throw a fit when we went from DOS to a GUI OS?

If you don't like it, stick with Windows 7. That's what I keep trying to tell everyone - 7=desktop - 8=tablet. It doesn't have to be that hard.

I wasn't a part of it, but didn't everyone throw a fit when we went from DOS to a GUI OS?

Hee, hee, :lol: I was being sarcastic! You should have known that from my prior comments about Win8 in other threads. I have as much use for Windows 8, as teats on a Bull!
Yes and "really" is a bit if a "hip/trendy" response when someone uses sarcasm. I tend to pick it up because my office is in a high school. I knew you weren't serious. :lol:
I don't understand what all the fuss is about?

I love Windows 8, it's the best operating system Microsoft has ever devised.

If you don't like it, you should buy a Mac.
I should note here that Ham-n-Eggs was an early Vista adopter and was nuts about Windows ME too.
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