Selling computer, proving hardware specs


Solid State Member

Sorry if this is wrong forum as this could probably be in s/w section.

My situation is as follows:

* I'm ready to sell my old computer off -- everything, monitor, UPS, speakers, the whole deal as I'm moving abroad

* My computer has sensitive data along with software that I don't wish to sell. Basically I want to remove everything from my hard disk and sell it.

I have 2 options here:

1) Show potential buyer all the hardware reports (PC Wizard), let him fiddle around to make sure everything is working and then use something like DBAN.

2) Format my hard disk and then prepare a fresh linux installation. But is there some good small distro that I can use here? I need some distro that has basically some hardware report like PC Wizard

I would prefer option # 2 as I don't want to sit and wipe data in front of my buyer

Thanks in advance
I'd have no problem wiping the disk even if the customer was watching. It was your software and data, not theirs, and I'm sure they'd understand. Use DISKPART CLEAN /ALL to wipe the drive and inform the customer they'll have to initialize and format the drive before use, or intialize and format it for them in another system.
I would use DBAN to nuke the drive and let the customer to their own devices for an operating system.
Thanks Guys.

@OhSnapWord -- have you used DBAN and does it work flawlessly? I mean, it would be embarrassing once the deal is finalized and DBAN doesn't wipe the disk drive. And I don't have a spare computer to try this out now...
I've never had a problem with DBAN. It is one of the few data destruction methods approved by the Department of Defense.
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