Spying software


Beta member
Hi all

I have a VAIO laptop which needs to go in for some repairs but some of the stories you hear of technicians browsing your machine for whatever they want.

Not that have anything of importance on this machine but it's like someone walking round your house when you are out!!

Is there any software out there which runs discreetly and tracks a users movements on a computer. Some report which lists the directories they have been in etc?
Like I said I don't have nothing special on this computer but its just interesting to see what they do and what they look at?
I think there is a way but don't you think that it is some kind of tricky?
It looks like a vice versa situation when you want to track what the person has been doing.
anyway check out this article on wikipedia, I'm sure you will find useful information.
Just going to create a maintenance admin account And restrict access

I could use key press tracking.

Cheers guys
I think he is looking more on the side of keylogging with screenshot functionality. I don't recommend them as it could compromise security for yourself in my personal opinion.
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