Best. Interview. Ever


So I applied for the IT Supervisor position about a week ago and hadn't heard anything back since. So today, all of the key IT guys (Ops Manager, Network Admin, Security Admin, Current Sup) had a meeting for hours on end. After that, my current supervisor said that it was time for my interview... no notice, didn't dress up, wasn't prepared at all. All of them were waiting in the room. The first question was a series of binary numbers that they wanted me to turn into an IPv6 address... ok not so bad. The next question was what port COM2 is on... hmmm didn't know that one. Next question was "Pretend you had a time machine and went back to 1750. The population doesn't understand the orbit of the different planets, how do you sell them a telescope?" This caught me off guard completely as it really didn't make sense, but whatever, I took them through the sales process. The next question was a little more serious about a server losing it's time settings in the BIOS and what would result. Answered it in detail. The next question though totally caught me off guard.
"If it rained music, what would grow?" Umm what? So I answered "Notes"
Next question got more ridiculous... "If you could be any animal, what would it be?" Ok what the hell is going on? I picked a Dolphin because it's intelligent and apparently the was hilarious because they laughed for a good three minutes. Next question "Where would you hide an elephant?" ... I couldn't think of anything to say as this interview had nothing to do with IT for a while. They said thanks for the interview and would get back to me as they still had a few more interviews to do. I was actually pretty upset after I left the room as it was clear that it was not a real interview. Turns out though, they already decided to give me to job before the interview but just wanted to have a little fun. As I was about to go home for the day, they pulled me aside to let me know they just wanted to have a little fun and throw me off base before they offered me the job. All in all, that was probably the best interview I've ever been in. Best of all, I just got a new job
Lmao, I think I would like that interview. I help some of my friends with interviews and stuff, and they get like speeches prepared and everything. So when I practice with them, they sound well... scripted. Which doesn't sound good. I go into interviews being myself, and let me tell you, it's been very successful for me. Most interviews I've had we end up talking about my Mustang (it's on my resume) and most interviews I've talked about my Mustang in, I get the job, LOL.
I would probably be able to throw them off guard with answers to those questions cause sarcasm is a specialty of mine... haha.

Sounds like you will be working with some cool people.

I've had a few questions like that while interviewing for internships. They can fun but really throw you off when they start off with the first one.
Congrats on the new job!

Typically, weird questions in interviews are used to review your thought process and how you approach new situations. There may be no right answer, they just want to know how you think on your feet.
Well done :)

I think that would be the best way to relax you in an interview to be honest. I hate ones that are too serious. It doesn't gel with my personality.
Congrats on the job! Now you owe them a revenge :p

Nah, they gave you a nice position...I wish I'd be in your shoes on that one...
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