From IPv4 to IPv6


We all know that IPv4 and IPv6 are Internet Protocol but with different versions.

We all know that we are currently using IPv4, that provides 4.3 billion IP addresses.
Due to the IPv4 space fast exhaustion, we are in need to migrate to IPv6.
IPv6 provides 340 trillion trillion trillion unique addresses.

Last June 8, 2011, was set as World IPv6 Day. That event was organized by Internet Society (ISOC) and was participated by top websites and internet service providers around the world. Read more..

That event went successful as per written in this newsletter from ISOC. That 24-hour test flight demonstrates global readiness for IPv6.
Read here..
The last IPv4 Range has been allocated - that's not QUITE the same as IPv4 running out.

It might be boring, but it's got pretty huge implications. There is lots of software that will need re-writing etc, so it's quite a serious issue!
If you're on an IPv4 native network, and have two W7 boxes, can they transfer packets over IPv6? I don't know how Stateless IPv6 Auto-configuration would work if the router only had IPv4 support. I know you can create IPv6 tunnels (if you use a tunnel broker), but that's for external communications (rather than internal)
If you're on an IPv4 native network, and have two W7 boxes, can they transfer packets over IPv6? I don't know how Stateless IPv6 Auto-configuration would work if the router only had IPv4 support. I know you can create IPv6 tunnels (if you use a tunnel broker), but that's for external communications (rather than internal)

If every device is configured for ipv6, yes. Get two hosts running ipv6 and put something in between that can handle the request. Ping the other host but include the %[number] as this is very important. Without that, the ping fails. I forgot why it's so important but it's for ipv6 works.
If every device is configured for ipv6, yes. Get two hosts running ipv6 and put something in between that can handle the request. Ping the other host but include the %[number] as this is very important. Without that, the ping fails. I forgot why it's so important but it's for ipv6 works.

If every device is configured for IPv6, then I would consider it to be IPv6 native :p. I'm talking about tunneling IPv6 through an IPv4-only router :)

You can also use Ping6 to ping an IPv6 address
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