Visual Basic 2010 Question


Baseband Member
Hello, hope everyone is doing good tonight. I've been learning a little bit of visual basic. I can make small applications and so on nothing major though. But im curious... Are you able to write a code to make a program (that is running in the background, ex. minimized) appear in front of everything if you click say cntrl + C (hot keys you'd set)? I hope I explained this correctly.


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You made a program you wanna use appear
So you click the hot keys you'd set.
The program will appear on top of all applications you was previously viewing.
...Are you able to write a code to make a program (that is running in the background, ex. minimized) appear in front of everything if you click say cntrl + C (hot keys you'd set)?...

Yes, you can. You would have to rebind default Windows keys to make sure nothing is bound to those keys. You would have to go throught the OS to do that, unless you want to do it programatically, where the key set is rebound only when your application/service is launched.

The application that you write can be a stand alone application that eliminates the window and just runs in the system tray, or a windows service that runs constnatly in the background (as you are suggesting), and can launch an application based upon a key stroke.

I would go for the later. It is cleaner in my opinion.
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