Call of Duty Black Ops

the lack of dedicated servers wasn't a huge problem initially, for me it's always been the way the game chooses it's hosts, it seems to always pick someone with a weak-ass connection or heavy latency to be host. Host Migration makes it a little less frustrating but still. When They give consoles the interface that PC gets (a list of servers to choose) it will be alot better IMHO, and NAT will become less of a problem for me.

For me it always caused giant cases of lag, and nothing was segmented. Like, on the PC you always have servers for hardcore players, modded servers, new players, clans, etc. With matchmaking, it takes longer to find a game and none of it is separated like that. Also, like you said it just picks the worst possible person for a host.
For me,Black Ops is better then MW2


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