**** Just Got Real

Let me give you some background information.

Fall semester, 2010. In my Introduction to Aerospace Engineering course the students were encouraged to enroll in a 1 credit hour course titled "History of Aircraft Configuration Design". Supposedly, the course was supposed to be nice and easy. No homework, just informative.

Well, today shit just got real. The 16-page syllabus outlines a report that should be written following 8 pages worth of requirements and guidelines. We are asked to write about the configuration design of an assigned plane. Deadlines are strict: 1% subtracted from your grade for each minute the report is late up to 50%. You have a grace period at this point until 24 hours after the deadline. After that, its 100% deducted from your grade.

Damn, and I thought my assignments were difficult. Well, not really difficult, more of time consuming.

You should be able to pull through, you seem like an intelligent guy.
Doesn't sound too hard really... I've always thought papers are really simple. I had to read a 30 page article written in the 50s and write a 4 page paper on how it applies to social institutions a few days ago. That took me 2 hours and I got a 92%, it's the engineering homework that's challenging. Papers you can usually bullshit for extra space. And at engineering schools, they aren't very hard graders for papers.
to be honest, that sounds pretty fun...

Iv always wanted to do Aerospace..

Researching it will be pretty fun. Writing it, not so much. There are so many formatting requirements that it will make the job tedious. One of the biggest nuisances with this assignment is that 2/3 of my sources must be archival. This applies to figures as well. There will be a lot of scanning and photoshop'ing involved to make everything look professional.

How long have you got to do this assignment?

I have until the 31st of March. Unfortunately, I will have to slide this assignment in with 18 credit hours of other classes which will be tricky. I foresee the majority of the assignment being done over spring break.
1% subtracted from your grade for each minute the report is late up to 50%. You have a grace period at this point until 24 hours after the deadline. After that, its 100% deducted from your grade.

That's ridiculous, I've never had an assignment with a grading structure like that. I guess when you go to a tech school though, you can't expect that much.
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