Visual Logic help


Beta member
i am having trouble making a program for visual logic the question is 2-5 Grade Determination is says " Write a program that will input three test scores. the program should determine and display their average. the program should then display the appropriate letter grade based on there average. the letter grade should be determined using a 10 point scale (a=90-100)(b=80-89.999)(c=70-79.999),etc.
you need three inputs.

call them testa testb testc.

you them need a process, (I think these are called assignments in the program, I couldn't quite tell as the flash tutorial was a bit weird!)

result = testa + testb + testc

then a second process for finding the average.

average = result / 3

then you need a series of if statements.

if average >= 90 then goto an output box that displays A and then go to end
the next IF statement (whcih is only reached if the first if condition is not met shoudl say
is result > = 80 yes, (go to an output box to display B then go to end. no, go to the next condition statement.

and keep rattling down the alphabet,

until you get to a point where the person hasn't scored a minimum mark, then you just display the words fail and got to the end.
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