Whats the Reason for your Username?

I've read every Tolkien book I've ever found. Celegorm, and another name I go by Curufin, Are Elvish lords (and brothers) in The Simrillion.

Sniper- as in the long distance ace of marksmanship
Viper- Quick and Deadly Snake
21 - How many kills i got in my first Xbox Live Halo 3 game, also the same number as my Baseball jersey lol.
My name is Chris Rimmer so hence crimmer.
And my old Xbox Live name was crimmer77
And the year I made the acount was 2010
Jmacavali -
J-mac > Nickname during high school (Josh McElroy (pronounced Mac-a-roy) turned into J-Mac)
Macavali > An alias Tupac Shakur used occasionally on his records and I am a huge Tupac fan.
Codeman0013 = My nickname is Codeman (my name is Cody and its always been codeman as a nickname fits more now that i'm a programmer) and 0013 because 13 is my favorite number and was my number in all the sports i played for years through college.
Eric was used, so I added on the "code" needed to make sure I joined been a human and not a computer getting up to mischief.
Aastii is my forum name. It started out as my name in WoW, however that has long gone, but Aastii lives on in forums. In games, Steam and Xfire now my name is Retify. The origin of either names, as in where they came from, I don't know, I made them up on the spot
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