Maximum length of a Post


I was just wondering what the max length of a single post is? I am writing a .... rather lengthy Windows 7 tutorial and from what I've seen, I will probably consume quite a few posts. If a lengthy tutorial is created in the form of several posts, do the mods/admins have the ability to merge into one?
Thank you sir. I actually just decided to piece out the tutorial into smaller tutorials. I have two now posted for review and about 15 more on the way. Might as well share the $3,000 class that American Tax payers paid for right?
maximum post size (on the forum) is 10,000 characters, -I've exceeded it plenty of times before when writing replies.

when 10,000 chars is reached you have to use a separate post.

mods cannot combine the posts, and auto merge will not combine the posts either.

but that's fine, a tutorial that long is going to cover multiple points anyway, so there may be a natural break point where it's make sense to go onto a separate post.

-I don't know if there will be different limits for the guide section, -I doubt it.

it was 10,000 but I have just increased to 100,000 as I plan to write some long guides as well :)

While we're on this subject, what is up with the 5 photo maximum? I don't like having to take up three or four posts just to put some pictures up.
i have up'd the amount of images allowed to 12. 5 isnt enough is it
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