How often do you post/lurk CF?

Yeah, this place seems to have died recently. Haven't seen any interesting threads or anything really.
I picked up again, after getting out of that nightmare of a job. I should be there more often now.
I was coming here only a few times a week maybe but now it's back to a few times a day. I tend to browse and if there's something interesting i'll log in and converse.

So I guess for me it's down to the content. If it's good I hang around.
I come on a couple hours a week, I don't always post though. A lot of it is just to clean up spam posts.
Always tabbed somewhere. I mostly put my attention to HW and oc/cooling/mod sections. But HW doesn't see much action that I care to partake in, and the latter never sees anything except "WHAT IS THE BEST!?!?!" and as we all know, there is never a given best - only a best for your situation. Which I'd be happy to help on finding, but it's a 1 post, wait 10 mins, never come back kind of deal.
As you guys have probably noticed I pop in and out. But I still love this place. This used to keep me happy and away from hard times. I have noticed that I can only access this forum through my iPod touch though. I can't log in at all. It'll loop me on the pc...
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