Unknown Programming Language


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Hello Folks,

Been a while since ive been on here!!

im now incredibly busy as a Systems Administrator for a system called Concept 500.
Its a horrible system but based around SQL its a call logging system, if there is a fault it logs a call and stores it in a database is able to recall it at a later date and add notes to it etc.

In a nut shell it has a section called "workflows" which basically run in the background and perform different tasks, example when a task is logged it will email someone to notify them. It also has periodic workflows which is what im trying to work through but i need to understand what programming language it uses so i can learn it.

i'll post the code in next post as its too many charactes to post @ the mo!!

Does anyone recognise this code at all so i can go off and learn it.
Example code:

11: Option Strict Off
12: Option Explicit On
14: Imports System
15: <Assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("1.0.5014.75"),  _
16:  Assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySign(false)> 
18: Namespace Odyssey.Workflow.Generated
20:     <Serializable()>  _
21:     Public Class ActiveTasksmorethan6minutesold_v75
22:         Inherits Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowWorker
24:         <NonSerialized()>  _
25:         Private _f_TASKS As Odyssey.Entities.F_TASKS
27:         Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Entities As Odyssey.Entities.F_TASKSCollection
28:             Get
29:                 Return CType(Me.EventArguments.GetArgument("Entities"),Odyssey.Entities.F_TASKSCollection)
30:             End Get
31:         End Property
33:         Public Property F_TASKS As Odyssey.Entities.F_TASKS
34:             Get
35:                 Return Me._f_TASKS
36:             End Get
37:             Set
38:                 Me._f_TASKS = value
39:             End Set
40:         End Property
42:         Private Sub Init()
43:             Me._f_TASKS = CType(Odyssey.Entities.Entity.CreateNewEntity(GetType(Odyssey.Entities.F_TASKS), true, true),Odyssey.Entities.F_TASKS)
44:             Me._f_TASKS.AutoTruncate = true
45:         End Sub
47:         Public Overrides Sub Run()
48:             Me.AuditWriter.WriteLine(CType(1,Odyssey.Entities.AuditMessageTypeEnum), "Start:  starting DOM Active Tasks more than 6 minutes old", GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowInitiatorNode), "Start")
49:             Me.Init
50:             Me.LogWorkflowEventInfo
51:             Me.Condition_Navigate
52:         End Sub
54:         Private Sub Terminator()
55:             Me.AuditWriter.WriteLine(CType(1,Odyssey.Entities.AuditMessageTypeEnum), "Stop:  completed DOM Active Tasks more than 6 minutes old", GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowTerminatorNode), "Stop")
56:         End Sub
58:         Private Sub EmailAction_Navigate()
59:             Me.EmailAction_Logic
60:             Me.Terminator
61:         End Sub
63:         Private Sub EmailAction_Logic()
64:             Try 
65:                 Me.AuditWriter.WriteLine(CType(1,Odyssey.Entities.AuditMessageTypeEnum), "Email Action:  Preparing Email", GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowEmailActionNode), "Prepare Email")
66:                 Dim [To] As String = ""
67:                 '
68:                 'Binding evaluation for property ToBld
69:                 Dim ToBld As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
70:                 ToBld.Append("Rebecca.Williamson@carillionplc.com; Tara.Goldhawk@carillionplc.com")
71:                 [To] = ToBld.ToString
72:                 Dim Cc As String = ""
73:                 '
74:                 'Binding evaluation for property CcBld
75:                 Dim CcBld As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
76:                 Cc = CcBld.ToString
77:                 Dim From As String = ""
78:                 '
79:                 'Binding evaluation for property FromBld
80:                 Dim FromBld As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
81:                 FromBld.Append("mapeley.maintenance@carillionplc.com")
82:                 From = FromBld.ToString
83:                 Dim Subject As String = ""
84:                 '
85:                 'Binding evaluation for property SubjectBld
86:                 Dim SubjectBld As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
87:                 SubjectBld.Append("Active Task")
88:                 Subject = SubjectBld.ToString
89:                 Dim Body As String = ""
90:                 '
91:                 'Binding evaluation for property BodyBld
92:                 Dim BodyBld As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
93:                 BodyBld.Append("A task has been left on Active. Please Check Task Control."&Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)&Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10)&Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)&Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10)&Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)&Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10)&Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)&Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10))
94:                 Try 
95:                     BodyBld.Append(F_TASKS.TA_TASK_ID)
96:                 Catch ex As System.NullReferenceException
97:                     Me.AuditWriter.WriteLine(CType(1,Odyssey.Entities.AuditMessageTypeEnum), "F_TASKS.TA_TASK_ID value missing so no text written", GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowEmailActionNode), "Prepare Email")
98:                 Catch ex As System.Exception
99:                     Me.AuditWriter.WriteLine(CType(4,Odyssey.Entities.AuditMessageTypeEnum), "Exception parsing F_TASKS.TA_TASK_ID value", GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowEmailActionNode), "Prepare Email")
100:                     Throw ex
101:                 End Try
102:                 BodyBld.Append(""&Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)&Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10))
103:                 Dim BodyBldBuilder0Index As Integer
104:                 BodyBldBuilder0Index = 0
105:                 Do While (BodyBldBuilder0Index < CType(Entities,System.Collections.ICollection).Count)
106:                     Try 
107:                         BodyBld.Append(Entities(BodyBldBuilder0Index).TA_TASK_ID)
108:                     Catch ex As System.NullReferenceException
109:                         Me.AuditWriter.WriteLine(CType(1,Odyssey.Entities.AuditMessageTypeEnum), "Entities(BodyBldBuilder0Index).TA_TASK_ID value missing so no text written", GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowEmailActionNode), "Prepare Email")
110:                     Catch ex As System.Exception
111:                         Me.AuditWriter.WriteLine(CType(4,Odyssey.Entities.AuditMessageTypeEnum), "Exception parsing Entities(BodyBldBuilder0Index).TA_TASK_ID value", GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowEmailActionNode), "Prepare Email")
112:                         Throw ex
113:                     End Try
114:                     BodyBldBuilder0Index = (BodyBldBuilder0Index + 1)
115:                 Loop
116:                 Body = BodyBld.ToString
117:                 Dim Bcc As String = ""
118:                 '
119:                 'Binding evaluation for property BccBld
120:                 Dim BccBld As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
121:                 Bcc = BccBld.ToString
122:                 Dim Attachment As String = ""
123:                 '
124:                 'Binding evaluation for property AttachmentBld
125:                 Dim AttachmentBld As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
126:                 Attachment = AttachmentBld.ToString
127:                 'Call method to send Email
128:                 Try 
129:                     Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowEmailActionNode.SendEmail([to], cc, from, bcc, subject, body, CType(1,System.Web.Mail.MailFormat), "smtpmail", attachment, false)
130:                     Me.AuditWriter.WriteLine(CType(1,Odyssey.Entities.AuditMessageTypeEnum), "Email Action:  Email sent", GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowEmailActionNode), "Send Email")
131:                 Catch ex As System.Exception
132:                     Me.AuditWriter.WriteException(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowEmailActionNode.GetEmailFailedText([to], cc, from, bcc, subject, body, CType(1,System.Web.Mail.MailFormat), "smtpmail", attachment, false), ex, GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowEmailActionNode), "Send Email")
133:                     'Swallowing exception as AllowErrorAndContinue and ErrorAndContinue are both true
134:                 End Try
135:             Catch ex As System.Exception
136:                 Me.AuditWriter.WriteException("Email Action: Unexpected exception", ex, GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowEmailActionNode), "Execute")
137:                 'Swallowing exception as AllowErrorAndContinue and ErrorAndContinue are both true
138:             End Try
139:         End Sub
141:         Private Sub Condition_Navigate()
142:             If Me.Condition_Logic Then
143:                 Me.AuditWriter.WriteLine(CType(1,Odyssey.Entities.AuditMessageTypeEnum), "Condition:  returned TRUE", GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowConditionNode), "Evaluate")
144:                 Me.EmailAction_Navigate
145:             Else
146:                 Me.AuditWriter.WriteLine(CType(1,Odyssey.Entities.AuditMessageTypeEnum), "Condition:  returned FALSE", GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowConditionNode), "Evaluate")
147:                 Me.Terminator
148:             End If
149:         End Sub
151:         Private Function Condition_Logic() As Boolean
152:             Try 
153:                 If (F_TASKS.TA_STATUS.ToUpper = "Active".ToUpper) Then
154:                     Return true
155:                 Else
156:                     Return false
157:                 End If
158:             Catch ex As System.Exception
159:                 Me.AuditWriter.WriteException("Condition: Unexpected exception", ex, GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowConditionNode), "Evaluate")
160:                 Throw
161:             End Try
162:         End Function
163:     End Class
164: End Namespace
looks like VB, perhaps ASP looks like a .net language
Hmmmmm maybe :?
maybe i should expand on why i want to learn this, in a nut shell we log jobs for things on Concept lets say someones blinds are broke, they phone us we log it on the system we them assign the task to an engineer and he goes out and completes. Well if for whatever reason the person logging the job forgets to assign the task its forgotten about until someone finds it.
which isnt too bad for broken blinds someone will find it in a day or 2 thats not the end of the world, the problem being we have jobs for people trapped in lifts of fire alarms going off that cant be reset and these need to be assigned straight away as if they are not attended to within 4 hours we face a financial penalty. Now i know what kind of muppet cant remember to assign a call lol it happens trust me, usually when the person logging a call gets interupted either by another phone call or by someone else.

What my workflow is designed to do is to check the system periodically i currently have it set @ 5 minutes and it checks for any tasks left on "active" ie not assigned now this is fine and it works great the problem is we are a big contract every minute we log approx 20 - 30 jobs meaning while my workflow is running and lets say the advisors take 30 seconds to assign the task my workflow is picking all of these up.

What im trying to do is to write a little extra code to say very roughly @ the mo (if TA_TASK.TA.DATE > System.DateTime.Now (6)) then blah blah blah and it goes onto emailing somone to notify them a task has been left unassigned.

the problem is i can not work out the syntax or the format in which it wants.

TA.TASK is a table which TA.DATE is stored and TA.DATE contains the time the call was logged.

Im looking for something to only pickup calls that were logged longer than say 6 minutes ago???? anyone help??
I believe that you need to edit this bit
 Private Function Condition_Logic() As Boolean
152:             Try 
153:                 If (F_TASKS.TA_STATUS.ToUpper = "Active".ToUpper) Then
154:                     Return true
155:                 Else
156:                     Return false
157:                 End If
158:             Catch ex As System.Exception
159:                 Me.AuditWriter.WriteException("Condition: Unexpected exception", ex, GetType(Odyssey.Workflow.WorkflowConditionNode), "Evaluate")
160:                 Throw
161:             End Try
162:         End Function

to include a conditional statement that also says

If (F_TASKS.TA_DATE = TIME-5minutes) Then
return true

or you could compound the if into an if an

If ((F_TASKS.TA_STATUS.ToUpper = "Active".ToUpper) AND (F_TASKS.TA_DATE = current time - 5 minute) Then
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