ASCII keyboard?

David Lindon

Golden Master
Maybe I'm just being too much of a geek but does anyone know if you can get a keyboard that instead of having the letters, has the ASCII numerical value for example A would be 65 etc
Surely the easiest way to do this would be to buy a normal keyboard then print off stickers with the appropriate text and put them over the keys?

Maybe I'm just being too much of a geek
Surely the easiest way to do this would be to buy a normal keyboard then print off stickers with the appropriate text and put them over the keys?


Those stickers never ever ever stay on the keys. Seriously, the sweatshop where they are made needs to get better glue.
Good to have access to the unique thought patterns of Thelis again

@op im sure they're out there somewhere, i'll have a scour when i'm on my desktop
Maybe I'm just being too much of a geek but does anyone know if you can get a keyboard that instead of having the letters, has the ASCII numerical value for example A would be 65 etc
I googled around for a few minutes and I couldn't find anything as far as keyboards you can buy. I guess the only option would be to come up with something yourself. Maybe like someone suggested, stickers or something. Search around for "how to make an ASCII keyboard". Maybe you'll come up with something.
Here is what I did to one of my old keyboards to make it Dvorak. It might be a good idea to try it on an old keyboard first to get a hang of the process.

1. Use a photo manipulation program to make new key tops with the numbers.

2. Print them on either photo paper or plastic film.

3. cut to size of keytops (slightly smaller might last longer)

4. Coat tops of keys with a thin layer of 5 minute epoxy, applying decals as you go.

5. Apply a small dab of epoxy on top of each decal.

6. Put wax paper on top of the epoxy, press until smooth.

7. Let epoxy dry, remove wax paper.

8. Use an emory board to remove any excess epoxy.

If you want a slightly more dull look, try some extremely fine grit sandpaper.

There you go! If you do it right, it should look like the keyboaard was supposed to be that way, and it will last quite a long time.
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