& and you thought America was a mix of cultures!


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Last night I went out partying (as I do each Saturday night)

I started the night out by meeting my new football friend from New Zealand to watch the World Cup at a Mexican bar ran by a bunch of Canadians. We watched Germany whoop up on Argentina and chatted about American Soma Islands football (or lack of)

I then met up with my friend from Croatia after the game, her friends from America wanted to go to this club to dance, I hate dancing and her friends so I declined and stayed at the bar. Turned around met a lady from Canada.

Now one thing about where I live, when I party down town the night life here is a HUGE MIX OF CULTURES. However generally speaking each person has those things in common:
* All Expats are well traveled, Greece, Dubai, Australia, Japan, Germany, etc they've been there done that
* They are used to meeting new people
* They love doing it
* They aren't shy about it

Now for this purpose we'll go ahead and call me German

So here I am at this bar, in Korea with a lady from Canada and her friend from America.

Her friend gives her a call and lets them know they are at another bar, we go there.

Her friend is actually a guy from Dubai, and his supervisor from England (they teach English as do 90% of the foreigners in this country)

Two individuals go to the bar to get 5 drinks, they return with 7 drinks and 2 new people both from Australia.

We enjoy our drinks and another friend gets a call and off we go to another bar to meet some new friends.

We arrive and met 1 Korean guy, 1 Korean girl, and one guy who is from Holland

This is how the night ended:
1. German
1. Canadian
1. Dubai
1. England
1. Australia
2 Koreans
1 Holland
1. American

In addition to the person from Croatia and New Zealand

Good times!
Sounds good, nice to know there are places where people are more open and friendly than here!
Very friendly here, like at the bar a lady got super drunk (not in our group but another) and she left

Her friend went "Should I go with her to make sure she gets home safe"

Everyone went "LOL It's Korea she'll be fine!"
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