Is this right?


When I saw this, I was shocked. It's usually around 2.70!
I go to have a snack and lock my computer, which shouldn't affect anything running, and when I come back Steam is closed and won't open again. I'll try restarting.

EDIT: That worked.
Yeah, sometimes the server Steam decides to pick is completely jammed up so your download speed gets backed up really bad. Usually restarting Steam once or twice will fix it.


Yep. I think it was to celebrate the release of Steam on Macs.
Oh my gosh that is amazing! I CAN PLAY PORTAL ON MY PC AGAIN!! :D

(I installed it to an account of which I forgot the password to, so I could never reinstall it)
Yeah, Portal is free until May 24th IIRC.
I already bought the Orange Box awhile back to have the add-ons for gmod.
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