Car got towed; advice needed

lol just sounds like a crap reason to tow your car away and tbh i wouldnt pay for it, even if its a small fee because you have a lot of material to slam them down with - but sup to you
Yes, do pay in pennies. And make sure that a lot drop on their side of the counter. You probably won't get anything back, so you might as well stress them out and give them something to raise their blood pressure. I mean, you are in college, you are gonna win in the long run.
I wouldn't fight it, it'll just end up costing you more money and giving you more headaches than it's worth. Just pay the money, get your car back and put it behind you.
Make sure that if it turns into an argument and they start being sarcastic that you return the favor like ten times worse.

Him "we used go-jacks, you know what those are"
Me "yea, I do actually. I had my **** in a ******, you know what that is"
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