More smileys?

I'm torn. It'd be cool to have more options to express our true feelings....
but then it makes things look to mess and childish and the forum no longer looks professional.

Most of us found this forum on google, and if it was littered with all kinds of goofy smileys would we all have really stayed?
I say ney to smilies
or Emoticons

If someone wants more emotional experiences, go have friends and go outside.
I have setup a few forums in the past, some for fun, and some for other people.
It is not that hard to add new smileys. Yes removing them is a whole new issue because you then get a bunch of ":yes:, :angry:, etc".
But for those that want more smileys and use Firefox go here.

I wouldn't mind ones which match the current set, but I would rather we didn't get any of those animated ones. They aren't realllllly my cup of tea.
I don't like the animated images, they just make it look unprofessional, but I think we should have a few more basic smilies than what we have at the moment.
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