Oh noes! My Prius is outta control!!11

(off topic kind of)
I hadn't even seen too many cars with just the push button start how does someone not just get in and steal your car
(off topic kind of)
I hadn't even seen too many cars with just the push button start how does someone not just get in and steal your car
You don't just hop in and push the button and go, you have to have the little key fob with you that has a transmitter in it.
My dad's nissan has a transmitter like that in the key, except it is in the actual key. Its to prevent people from hotwiring the car/picking the lock/copying the key.

It also means you are screwed if you drop the key in any liquid besides water.
If you take the key out, then the steering wheel locks - It's hard to steer then ;)
If you leave the key in you crash into the end of the freeway and die. I'm just sayin...

The best option would be to leave the key in but turn the engine off. That is for anything but a prius.
Lots of Mustangs have had sticking throttles(fox bodies). That's got to be scary as shit when that happens, especially a modified fox.
Some new info I saw: No one can actually say for 100% that it happened. They were able to on some of the other cars.

The police car didn't actually stop it. It just pulled in front of the car after the prius stopped 'as a precaution'.
I heard yesterday I think on CNN (I listen to the news stations on XM radio) that they were testing this car and according to the testers the brakes were purposely sabotaged prior to this happening and were unable to recreate it with that car after their attempts. They believe due to inconsistencies in the guys stories and also the test results that this was an attempt to create a lawsuit by this guy. I am not agreeing with them but I do smell something fishy here. I mean how can you accidentally shift the car up in to neutral than slip it all the way up and around to park LOL. Another problem I have with that excuse is SO BLOWING YOUR TRANNY MEANS MORE TO YOU THAN SAVING YOUR LIFE???? Come on dude think that one through a little. Im sorry but if my only option to stop my car and not dying is to blow the tranny well lets be honest here BUH BYE TRANNY. LOL
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