Seven Crimes That Will Get You a Smaller Fine than File-Sharing


Golden Master
Thinking about file-sharing? Don't. You'll get fined, and crime doesn't pay (unless you rob banks and/or armored cars, then it pays very well). Take it from Jammie Thomas, who was fined $2 million for downloading 24 songs, or anyone else who tried to fight the RIAA.

Instead, try another crime, because plenty of them draw far lighter penalties than downloading Jason Mraz's latest. Here are seven crimes that will get you smaller fines than file-sharing:

1. Child abduction: the fine is only like $25000.
2. Stealing the actual CD: the fine is $2,500
3. Rob your neighbor: the fine is $375,000
4. Burn a house down: The fine is just over $375,000
5. Stalk someone: The fine is $175,000
6. Start a dogfighting ring: the fine is $50,000
7. Murder someone: The maximum penalty is only $25,000 and 15 years in jail, and depending on your yearly salary, would probably be far slighter a penalty that $2 million.

Seriously, murdering someone will result in a lighter overall penalty than downloading a bunch of songs and getting caught. Granted, you don't get shivved in the showers at home, but still
I'm not gonna say that file sharing isn't wrong, but the punishment is way out of proportion compared to other crimes.
I don't think file sharing is a crime. You are sharing! That's what matters.
Sharing is caring. These fines are ridiculous

Then there are a lot of people that care xD
The amount they expect you to pay for downloading 24 songs is ridiculous.

If they can't prove that you had a SIGNIFICANT impact on sharing then you should only have to pay a small fine plus the price per song.
For example: 5,000 Dollar fine and then 99 cents per song.

I mean that could add up after a little bit, I know people who have downloaded well over 12,000 songs.

I just don't get how they are able to get away with this.. Fining that amount of money for something they can't really prove to an extent.

They can usually tell you downloaded, but often don't care. What they care about are the people who are sharing. Since they don't know how much you alone have impacted on sharing in particular files, they just fine you millions.
Something needs to be done.. They should not be able to fine for something they can't prove...
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