To twit or not to twit?


Solid State Member
That is the question.... actually that is the question. I had a friend get me on twitter because she got addicted to it, personally I see it as near stalker level I may as well get a GPS watch and setup a link for her. So down to it... what do you guys think.

Twit? Or not to Twit?
I don't. I don't have time to tell everyone what I'm doing because I'm too busy actually doing it.
Facebook is more on a personal level, if you ask me. You can directly talk to your friends or message them or tag photos of them...have a group of interconnected people. Twitter seems very disconnected from the people are just reading your's more or less something famous people use so their creepy stalkers can see what they're up to.
I don't. Don't see what all the fuss is about - from what I understand it's essentially facebook statuses on steroids. I think you can make it private so it's just sent round a few friends, but then if I really wanted that I'd just keep updating my facebook status... but I don't.

If I'm missing some fascinating life changing feature then someone please let me know... otherwise I'm holding fast to the conclusion it's another temporary fad for the masses.
Honestly I would only use Twitter for news updates for something like a club or sessions, face book is much better for a more personal update for your friends that are online here dude.
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