Looking for some advice and potential help


Daemon Poster
Hey guys haven't posted in a while. As most of you don't know I want to become a business man. Run a computer business that eventually with help of my employees, self-determination, God, and a little bit of luck allow me to rival big name companies like Dell, HP and others.

I ran a website about a year ago (now I'm an incoming Jr' in High School) it wasn't much of a website. But it was a start I used it from freewebs.com.

Now I know to be taken more seriously I should really get a real domain. Get a professional website. I know very little HTML I know just a bit that I taught myself off the internet. With some help from Thelis. I basically made this thread. To see if anyone wanted to give me some advice or opinions. I'm looking for some people who would like to maybe get a job and help out. Thoughts guys? :)
You still need like $10,000 AT LEAST to start. You need to find suppliers who are willing to sell you stuff for cheap at low quantities. Then you need to spend money on advertisement. Then there's all that tax shit you need to do. Then you have to get personnel. You probably need more than $10k...If you can't start off at this pace, you'll probably never compete at the ranks of Dell and HP.
I've got almost half a million dollars saved for when I'm 18. 100k for school then I had planned on putting all of it in Savings account. My mom (doctor) dad (superintendent of schools) put each 235,500 dollars in a trust that I receive at 18. So I think I'm set.
Wow! Ok. I'm actually glad you said that because I can start taking this thread for real.

First thing. What exactly are you plans? You say you want to compete with Dell and HP. They manufacture a lot of stuff and there's no way you can compete in all categories. What are you going to focus on?

Second thing. Research. You need to do research on how much these companies are advertising, whom are they targeting. You need to find the common items between them because I guarantee you those are the things that get them customers.
In addition to learning about business, you should spend some time learning here. There are a lot of things about money that they don't teach in school.
My plans are to rival them in the computer area. I'm a real big builder of computers thats my passion and I enjoy it. So I hope that answers your question. I realize that they do a lot of things and I need to focus on one aspect. Yes I will research.

I also sent you an IM on AIM my name is xpatton13x you can send me a message if you'd like...?
see if u can find an area that all of them dont do so well in, or make ur own product for a special area that no one covers, find a nitch ;)

I have an idea for a couple things id like to make, but id never tell anyone what they are lol
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