outlining a chapter


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i have to out line a chapter for ap social studys and my question is
how do you properly outline a chapter...never really had to do this
I'm sure your teacher will appreciate the frank answer of what most people REALLY do. They find key words (typically in bold or italics) and write them down with definitions.

^ Gee, that made me look stupid. I though he had to write about how to outline a chapter.
It's been a long day.
Here's how you outline:

Section Title A
-Main Idea A
--Detail A
--Detail B
-Main Idea B
--Detail A
--Detail B
Section Title B

Is this by any chance AP US History? I took it last year. If it is...make sure you outline well! They really help you learn. Read the section, outline it, then read it again to make sure you got the main points. Also, if you're using the American Pageant book, you should be getting 4-6 pages (front and back as 2) of outline per chapter. Also, after every chapter, try to write an analysis (summary) of what happened. This should help you understand the big picture and it should not be longer than 5 sentences.

btw: I got a 4 on that exam. Most of my classmates got a 5. I had other 3 exams to worry about and math/science took priority.
All the big titles are the A) B) C) and so forth. Then the small titles are the i) ii) iii) and then the notes after that are a) b) c)

That's what I was taught.
Its a good habit to have though. Then its just automatic. For example, I try to NEVER abbreviate like you do for "txt" speak. Then writing papers is easier for me because that isn't something that I have to make sure doesn't sneak in.
I have the same habit. I never abbreviate text speak unless I want to compress the text (used to do a lot when I had limited texting). I rarely do that today. I admit that I abbreviate long words though.
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