Random Chit Chat

For one, you could at least space it right. "Simple, commission free" does not look right. Instead of a comma, it looks like you added a period.

And how should i split up content?
If you want, I can send you a private message with my examples.
Ive been sick for more than a week now.
Some really bad cough. not fun.

Anyway, does anyone here have a way to activate an iphone without buying a data plan?
Really, all I need to do is get it turned on to unlock it, but that is being a problem.
haha someone told me about it, and it just so happens that I haad the ROM file for it already but had never watched the intro

WTF does that mean?
Errm... guess?

"YOU HAVE NO CHANCE TO SURVIVE, MAKE YOUR TIME" = There's no chance that you're gonna live mate, you might as well make the most of the little time you have left

"Somebody (it's actually someone) set up us the bomb" = Someone has planted a bomb!
haha i found a translation from japanese on the wikipedia page.

Original Japanese Text Game Transcript Correct Translation
西暦2101年 In A.D. 2101 AD 2101―
戦いは始まった。 War was Beginning. War has begun.
艦長:一体どうしたと言んだ [sic]! Captain: What happen ? Captain: What happened?
機関士:何者かによって、爆発物が仕掛けられたようです。 Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb. Engineer: An unknown assailant has planted an explosive device!
通信士:艦長!通信が入りました! Operator: We get signal. Communication operator: Captain! We have received a transmission!
艦長:なにっ! Captain: What ! Captain: What?!
通信士:メインスクリーンにビジョンが来ます。 Operator: Main screen turn on. Communication operator: Incoming visual on the main screen.
艦長:おっお前は!! Captain: It's you !! Captain: I...It's you!!
CATS:おいそがしそうだね、諸君。 CATS: How are you gentlemen !! CATS: You seem busy, gentlemen.
CATS:連邦政府軍のご協力により、君達の基地は、全てCATSがいただいた。 CATS: All your base are belong to us. CATS: With the help of the Federation Government forces, CATS has taken all of your bases.
CATS:君達の艦も、そろそろ終わりだろう。 CATS: You are on the way to destruction. CATS: Your ship is about to meet its doom as well.
艦長:ばっばかなっ・・・! Captain: What you say !! Captain: It...it can't be...!
CATS:君達のご協力には感謝する。 CATS: We are grateful for your cooperation.
CATS:せいぜい残り少ない命を、大切にしたまえ・・・・。 CATS: You have no chance to survive make your time. CATS: Cherish these few remaining moments of your lives.
CATS:ハッハッハッハッハッ・・・ CATS: Ha ha ha ha.... CATS: Ha ha ha ha ha...
通信士:艦長・・・。 Operator: Captain !! Communication operator: Captain....
艦長:ZIG全機に発進命令!! Captain: Take off every 'ZIG'!! Captain: I order you to launch all ZIG units!
艦長:もう彼らに託すしかない・・。 Captain: You know what you doing. Captain: We have no choice but to entrust to them....
艦長:我々の未来に希望を・・・ Captain: Move 'ZIG'. Captain: Our hopes for our future...
艦長:たのむぞ。ZIG!! Captain: For great justice. Captain: We're counting on you, ZIG!

Move, 'ZIG' WTF is that supposed to mean?
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