Gandalf vs. Dumbledore

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Well does Gandalf have gay power?

Naw dude, naw. He planned his death, he could have easily stopped it. It's a fact. Snape killed him because Dumbledore asked him to and because he made the Unbreakable vow with Narcissa to protect Draco and finish Draco's task (to kill Dumbledore).

Dumbledore would just use fiendfyre and that crazy shit he used against Voldemort in the fifth book.

Gandalf is an old pothead who runs around with hobbits who let centipedes crawl across their stupid hairy feet.

Ya but he did pwn that big fire demon thing, and he can call in big evil birds to destroy dumbledore.

Or he could show him a shiny ring, as I said before.

The only ring that Gandalf could show Dumbledore would be the ring of power which he was unfortunately too pussy to take in the Fellowship of the Rings.

The birds suck and can't do anything against a well placed Avada Kedavra. Dumbledore could also just Imperius curse them to go peck Gandalf to death and steal his ill staff and hat.

I say dumbledore because he has an awesome name! :p I haven't kept up with the HP series and it's been too long since I saw LTR (I never read either series)

No Gandalf has one of the Rings too, just not the ultimate ring of power.
And there is nothing Dumbledore could do if Gandalf had him being thrown around through the air like in The Two Towers.

I second (third?) Dumbledore. Occlumency to pwn the brains out of Gandalf.

But Gandalf has Narya, the ring of fire.

He could use it to set Dumbledore ablaze.

Dumbledore has fyrefiend. He can do the same thing to Gandalf.

I believe it was Saruman that was throwing Gandalf around in The Two Towers. In fact, he owned Gandalf.

Also, Dumbledore would just pull out his wand and kill Gandalf. Doesn't matter if he's in the air or not.

Wow... he could make some fire. They teach that in like first year charms at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore would be all like:

Aguamenti (Aguamenti Charm)

Description: Produces a jet of water from the caster's wand.

This. And Gandalf can't do anything about it.

This is getting interesting.

Dumbledore is actually based off of Gandalf.

Gandalf can also communicate with animals, so he could call in some help, and he could just launch Dumbledore out of the atmosphere.

What animal could "launch Dumbledore out of the atmosphere?"

That argument is retarded because Dumbledore would just cast some shit like the Avada Kedavra curse onto the animals.

Oh and Thelis, they both had the power to do that, but remember, Gandalf beat Saruman and then Saruman commited suicide.

No I meant he could just shoot him out of the atmosphere4 with his stick, like when him and Saruman were fighting.

Gandalf didn't defeat Saruman. Some Ents locked the old fart up in his tower then he went all emo and jumped off.

Gandalf broke his staff, and then took over.

He could just do that to Dumbledore, just say 'your wand is broken' and then it will go off like a firecracker.

Dumbledore wins no matter what. He has access to a spell that blocks EVERYTHING! Anything Gandalf does is easily blocked by 3 syllables.

Dumbledore would own his a**hole then sell it on the market. Is this a serious question? Dumbledore is if not the most powerful wizard of all time in HP series. Just depends on who you ask. Definitely not harry haha. he got lucky a lot of times. Dumbledore defeated Grindewald. One of the most powerful wizards. Then on top of that Voldemort was deafly afraid of Dumbledore. Was fricken Sauron or w.e the f*uck his name was afraid of gandalf? definitely not. Hands down Dumbledore for the win!

Yes, Sauron was horribly afraid of Gandalf in the book.

And Dumbledore's thing only blocks spells. Gandalf is able to telepathically control things.
Not really a spell if you ask me.

No he wasn't where did you dig that up from.

It was in the book.
He heard that Gandalf had beaten Saruman and that he was gonna destroy the ring, and started gettin scared.


he has to be doin' like 4 spells at once. Gandalf needs one, and it's not really a spell.
He could just make something fall on Dumbledore.

Gandalf can perform multiple spells at once? And Dumbldore only needs to do two, if my math is correct. One isn't even a spell, so one spell. Not 4.

This is never really going to go anywhere.

Am I the only person who thinks Gandalf?

I still say he should show Dumbledore his ring...


Dumbledore points his wand up and says: Wingardium Levitosa. That object flies away, and if Dumbledore so desires hits Gandalf in the head.

Seriously? All your supposed ways of killing Dumbledore could be stopped by a spell that even Neville could do when he was 11.

Or Gandalf could distract Dumbledore by giving him a pair of socks.

That's because Gandalf, more powerful, and head of the order had stripped his powers.

He died for the good of the wizarding world. Not because he was a moron

It's a bloody movie guys.
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