Your Handwriting

I have two forms of handwriting, one is for formal writing, which isn't great because i never write letters, using PCs for pretty much every point of contact of mine. My other form of handwriting is my note form, which is barely even legible to most people. I'm afraid i'm stuck with the problem most IT people get, a combination of never really doing much writing and not being that bothered and ending up with a pretty rubbish handwriting as a result. I'll get pics up when i get home.
I have two forms of hand writing too. One, I write a lot slower than the other.

Weird thing is, your saying to write it in capitals, and thats not how you write sentences, so won't give an accurate representation, of how you really write joined up, etc...
Well, if you were writing an essay, and you had to hand write it; you would not use captials.

To make it fair, you should write as you would then, with fluent, joined up letters.
Well, if you were writing an essay, and you had to hand write it; you would not use captials.

To make it fair, you should write as you would then, with fluent, joined up letters.

I never told anyone to write in complete capitals.
I might do it later, but I learned how to write from here:

my writing looks like an epileptic spider with diarrhoea had a seizure whilst tumbling down the page.
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