Legalization of Marijuana: Yes or No.

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I think it should be decriminalized. Just because if we fully legalized it, I'm sure something would get messed up, and piss some people off (even though people are already pissed off about it). I think that it being illegal is a waste of government money. I'm really indifferent about the subject, I really don't know where I stand on this matter. Too many gray areas. Each side has its pros and cons. I guess all we can do is try it out and see if it goes over well.
I've usually been a supporter of marijuana usage and the idea of legalizing it but idk....that opinion has changed a lot lately. I'm still very much in support of it for those who need it medicinally but for the average "stoner" there's no reason it has to be legalized for them. I believe that the only purpose for the legalization movement is so those who already smoke don't have to be as secretive about it so it's merely a convenience factor.

I suppose I do have an opinion that contrasts that too. I am rarely affected negatively by those who smoke marijuana right now and I think the billions of dollars that are spent on criminalizing the use of marijuana can be useful somewhere else. This is of course assuming that upon legalization the world doesn't turn into one big hippie-fest. I would hate that so much. They're probably the world's most passive-aggressive lobbyists and that annoys me.
Not another one of these threads....:rolleyes:

Hasn't this topic been beat to death enough already???

Make sure to keep it an intelligent conversation, not a flame war.
I think it should be legal. I dont understand how alcohol which is manufactured is acceptable when pot which is natural is not. I have smoked pot for many years but quit a few years ago now and I can honestly say that no matter how much pot I smoked I never was as impared as having a 6 pack. It is 2 totally different things IMO. I have never smoked an ounce of weed and forgot what I did last night. I have never smoked a pound of weed and forgot what i did last night. I have never known anyone so addicted to pot that they totally wipe out there bank accounts and cant function enough to go to work like alcoholics. I have never heard of anyone so strung out on pot that they are giving blow jobs to get a joint like heroin addicts. IMO Pot is not addicting and is no where near what is considered a drug. Crack, Cocaine, Heroin, Crystal Meth and crap like that should remain illegal forever because those "DRUGS" are addictive and do create a dependance on the substance. I quit pot and had no cravings I never woke up in the morning like damn im outta pot where am i gonna get my next fix. I think that pot has totally been given a bad name and is miscatagorized by many people.

I'm not saying that pot is a great thing and I think that everyone in the world should smoke pot. But I am saying that it is not as bad as people think.
I've usually been a supporter of marijuana usage and the idea of legalizing it but idk....that opinion has changed a lot lately. I'm still very much in support of it for those who need it medicinally but for the average "stoner" there's no reason it has to be legalized for them. I believe that the only purpose for the legalization movement is so those who already smoke don't have to be as secretive about it so it's merely a convenience factor.

I suppose I do have an opinion that contrasts that too. I am rarely affected negatively by those who smoke marijuana right now and I think the billions of dollars that are spent on criminalizing the use of marijuana can be useful somewhere else. This is of course assuming that upon legalization the world doesn't turn into one big hippie-fest. I would hate that so much. They're probably the world's most passive-aggressive lobbyists and that annoys me.

Just because there is no strong support to legalize it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be legalized. We do lots of stuff because its fun that we don't need to do to survive. Its human nature to have fun. You make it illegal because it can hurt people. The question is will a bunch of high people do less damage than a bunch of drunk people. I think this all calls for a clinical trials. Get 100 of each and then give them cars. See which group dies more. Make that one illegal.
i voted yes
i dont smoke a lot
every once in a while prefer drinking
i say as long as its under strict regulation why not
Marijuana will never be legal because the government can't tax it or regulate it. It's something that anyone can grow, use and sell themselves.
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