I need constructive criticism.


Golden Master
I've been fiddling with my desktop more and more. I think I have finally perfected it, but I need an outsider's perspective.

Give me your thoughts, opinions, criticisms. I want to make this as good as I can.

Just like everything else, if you ask ten different people their opinion, you're going to get ten different answers.

Personally, I think it's OK. I'm not into all the widgets and streaming info. I take a minimalist approach to my desktops.
Exactly, I'm hoping to get as many opinions as possible.

I AM thinking of toning down on a few of the widgets.
I really prefer the streamlined look, without statistics and widgets. My desktop completely contrasts your theme.
I don't think it matters what others think. The reason it allows you to customize it so much is so you can make it look exactly how you want. It's your computer so why would you want it to appear as something that someone else prefers?
So if you're happy with it then all the better.
Thelis, you suck. You need to learn how to be a true er... wait.. constructive... ... ah...:p I liked it before. Now there isn't enough color.
Yeah im not a big fan either. I personally only have the weather thing on mine and pandora. All the other stuff really just doesn't matter to me. I know my CPU is never going to be fully used unless im using prime so I don't see a point in knowing that firefox and Itunes is using 1% of my CPU. The temps matter a lil but I have coretemps and it is on my taskbar in the quick launch so if I need to know all I gotta do is put the mouse at the bottom so the task bar comes up and I can see it. Other than that I think it looks too cluttered with all that other stuff on there. I actually liked your other one better than this one though if that makes any difference.
I like a clean desktop......nothing but the recycle bin and even I could do without that. Nice, clean and uncluttered, just like my desk.
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